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We are members of the local network to Anna Lindh Euro Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. www.euromedalex.org |
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DEMÀ is collaborator member of the International Observatory for Participatory Democracy (OIDP) http://www.oidp.net |
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We are also members to Comenius-Network, called MIR. Migration and Intercultural Relations. www.migrationhistory.com/comenius |
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DEMÀ is member to NAYD (Network of African Youths for Development) www.nayd.org |
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We are also part of the net of voluntary associations in Catalonia: xarxanet www.xarxanet.org |
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We participate of aprenentatgeservei, a portal sponsored by the Foundation Jaume Bofill to the service of the associative world www.aprenentatgeservei.org |
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- We are also member to IPCP International Platform for Citizen Participation www.ipcp.eu