After more than 22 years of activity, DEMÀ shuts down. Our association has decided to cease his activities. There are multiple reasons, as it usually happens. They are related with a lack of generational replacement of the most active members and a certain fatigue, among other reasons.
During those years, a lot of people with different profiles, as well as diverse entities and institutions have cooperated in several events and also on local, national and international projects of our association. We cannot do anything other than thank everybody for their contributions and supports. It would take too long to mention all of them, but we want to say to everyone, many, many thanks.
A good deal of DEMÀ activities of these long decades has ben centred on projects regarding education throughout life, on the creation of materials and intercultural and intergenerational experiences on participatory democracy, as well as the support for active aging. A summary of the work done can still be seen of our website.
We have participated on projects at European level, in most cases. One of our values have always been the idea of contributing to improve the mutual knowledge and the respect of the diverse national realities. We think to have modestly contributed to the existence of a European space of experiences and knowledges to be shared. We have really learned a lot from our partners on this matter and, even further, we have built a network of friends all over the continent, extraordinarily strong friendship some of then.
Now, in the moment to close DEMÀ, you must know that we go on being active member in different areas. We, personally, are here for you for everything in could be useful. Those years have been for us a whole world impossible to be forgotten. We want to give a very warm hug for each one of you and we hope you keep good memoires of the times and the projects we have shared.
Web page from STRACOV project:
Presentation to the products of STRACOV project in Barcelona. October 29, 2019. Palau Macaya
From January 14 to January 18, DEMÀ participe in a joint training in Craiova (RO) in the framework the Elderly care project:
Starting a new Erasmus+ project: “Strategic cooperation in the field of elderly care vocational training, focusing on involvement of socio-economic actors” STRACOV. Coordinated by Asociatia Global Help (RO) “The Global Help Association develops the project Strategic cooperation in the field of elderly care, which focuses on the involvement of socio-economic actors, over the next 18 months. The project is funded through the Erasmus + program, and the budget is € 176,707.
The partners of the project are: Caminul pentru Persoane Varstnice Craiova, DEMA (DEPARTAMENT D’ESTUDIS DELS MEDIS ACTUALS) Spain, Home Hope Ltd Bulgaria, Euroform LFS Italy.
The partnership will involve also the …production of new intellectual outputs, consisting of:
1) a common curricula for practice – integrating the specification of occupational standards in the 4 countries and new modules according to new IT technologies and trends;
2) a support pedagogic instrument (an e-book with ISBN code including a careful selection of case studies, examples, legislation, comparative analysis, best practices of the mentioned topic (professional care of the elderly). This e-book will include the mentioned materials in virtual graphic volume of high quality with subtitles in four languages (en+ro, bg, sp, it);
3) an online platform that represents a collaborative space where partners may create content, exchange ideas, a space to organize webinars for practitioners/trainees, a space to inform the practitioners of all new learning opportunities in social care around Europe etc.”
September 20, 11:00 hours, presentation results to “New Educations” project. Barcelona, Palau Macaya:
Newsletter 3 to “New Educations” New_Educations_Newsletter_Issue03_04mv
Leaflet to “New Educations” project, module Education for Democracy: NewEducations Democracy Leaflet
Workshop: What democracy? a las II Jornades de Ciutat. L’Hospitalet:
Presentation-Lunch: module Education for Democracy. Barcelona.
Nova sortida de la Newsletter de “New Educations: New_Educations_Newsletter_Issue02
New issue the “New Educations” newsletter: New_Educations_Newsletter_Issue02_03mv
- In September, from 18 to 23, seminar in Barcelona to “New Educations” project about Education for a Democracy
- We prepare the first Aladdin Intergenerational Workshop in Barcelona, in the offices of PROBENS
- We participe in Cosenza (IT) to 4rt meeting to PARSOL project
- DEMÀ participe in Kick-off meeting to”About in between routes & stopovers: issuing migration, escape and expulsion in the frame of the Structured Dialogue (Erasmus+)” coordinated by Europäische Jugendbildungs & Begegnugstätte in Weimar, Germany
- We participate in “The Values. Toolbox” a seminar in Weimar (DE)
- New session to Senior Workshop from Aladdin project:
- First meeting in Zadar (Croatia) to “The New Educations” project. More info:
- Approved the project Erasmus +. “The New Education in Promoting Transversal Skills” coordinated by the association EDULIFE (Romania)
- Approved the international seminar: “In between routes & stopovers: issuing migration, escape and expulsion in the frame of the Structured Dialogue” organised by EJBW (Alemanya)
- Agreed from German National Agency the preparatory meeting to: “The Values´ Toolbox: Fostering a value based civic dimension in (European) Youth Work” . project coordinated by »Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar«
- Ending the Budapest meeting to “Aladdin” project